Lighten and Brighten
Your Dollhouse Interior August 2010
Summer Super Amazing Changes for Your Dollhouse.
There are so many ways to spruce up your dollhouse and make it more enjoyable for you as a collector.
The ideas are virtually endless. There are many items available to kindle that creative spirit in you. Too many to even begin to name or express. Get excited, as a collector, by all the numerous offerings available today. I definitely do!
PROJECT - Gingerbread Men Rule in Mini!
For the collector in you. Your first ornament this season for Barbie's Christmas Tree.
Materials Needed:
Gingerbread Man Image Pattern (Pictured Below)
Small Embroidery Scissors
Small Craft Utility Knife
Fine Grade SandPaper
Pure Cinnamon Oil
Disposable Spoon
Powdered White Paint
White Glue
Sandwich Pick
Toothpick & Dispenser
Small Disposable Container
Medium Needle for Hole Punch
Thin Household Twine
Most of the materials listed are common everyday items. Others can be obtained through the links provided. (With all, we have supplied our suggestions.)
- Using the gingerbread image provided as a pattern, trace and cut out shape on the back of the
fine grade sandpaper.
- For gingerbread smell, rub the sandy side of the sandpaper with the cinnamon oil. Apply using a Q-tip by dabbing. Avoid contact with facial area.
- In a small disposable container, such as a single serving yogurt container, stir together a small amount of paint powder with glue to moisten and make paste.
- Draw features and details of gingerbread man with a sandwich pick or toothpick.
- Let dry, and hang by a piece of thin household twine threaded through a hole punched, using medium needle, in top of the gingerbread man.
- Don't forget your own ideas for added piazzas.

Cut & Assemble New York Harbor Full-Color Diorama
A NY Collector's Item. Expertly designed, beautifully illustrated panorama includes World Trade Center, Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Staten Island Ferry, much more. Complete step-by-step instructions and diagrams explain how to cut, fold and assemble three-dimensional pieces and backdrop scenes of the glorious
New York skyline, circa 1998.
What's been Happening At-the-Doll-House.com
We are always building new pages for you At-the-Doll-House.com. It seems that the more we build, the more new and exciting ideas come to mind. Some of our newest pages include:
For more details about our site check out The Doll House Blog here.
Dollhouse And Furniture Advertising, 1880s-1980s by Dian Zillner
Buy MaryKay w/BonusPac only 8.94 CAD
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