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Romantic Picnic for Two
May 2012
Romantic Picnic:
The Summer is here and your dollshouse family are wanting to get out to enjoy the
awesome weather.
Barbie + Ken
With your romantic picnic let the feasting begin...
Barbie and Ken can hardly wait to get outdoors and enjoy the summer months ahead. We have found some unique miniatures to help in the quest for fun in the sun too.
We start off the day scoping out a romantic picnic in small details. These particular samples will aid your dolls in
accomplishing their desire.
have found items that go extremely
well in a mini summer display.
First off there are dolls available that already cry to have you use them in
your miniature summer romantic picnic scenes. Such as the Barbie and Ken duo above.
Romantic Setting
Iced Tea
Picnic Basket
White Flatware
Mini Cookout Table
Barbie and Ken Beach Cruiser
- Finding a tiny cookout setting helps you design without a lot of trouble
as well. You can always add your own ideas to enhance what already exists or
leave it as is. Designing is easier with items such as the
illustration to the right.
- Then there are items like the miniature iced tea set which will definitely set the pace for a summer romantic picnic mood. Mmmmmm... let your mind incorporate all kinds of interesting ideas as you view each of these products.
- A woven basket is just what your display will need as you head your dolls out to enjoy their summer as much as you do yours. Little elements are never as cumbersome as larger real life items but they do take as much imagination to implement.
- What romantic picnic would be complete without plastic cutlery. Who would want to think of dishes at a time like that? No self-respecting picnicker would leave home without them. Imagining all the things you would use at your own get-together is most of the fun when creating in mini.
- Next in line is finding a great cookout table and we have done that in spades. Imagine the fun you will have designing this scene for yourself or someone else. Will you really want your kids to play with this? Oh now if it was fun making it think of the fun your kids will have.
- And then Ken and Barbie head back from their romantic picnic. They end
the day at their humble abode recounting all the delightful moments spent
- Remember as you construct, always do as your doll's house people are doing
and truly enjoy every playful moment you spend creating....
- All of the above ideas may be obtained for your doll's home by doing searches with appropriate keywords for any of the items pictured to the right.
Acting as Kids as We Create...
Why can't adults act like big kids and reap the benefits of a childlike mentality? Most children we have ever spent time with don't know how to worry
unless an adult has taught them.
That characteristic is just what is needed too, to develop your own mini
romantic picnic scene.
So instead of putting on a gloomy, pessimistic personality become as the children around you are. Play and make it a point to thoroughly entertain, relax
and enjoy this present summer.
Yes by all means, do nothing but play your days away this season. For sure you'll greet the fall as a whole new person.
Full of outdoor cookouts, parties, special occasions, music, art and on and on...
Creating Your Own Miniature Mosaic Garden Stones
of Tesserae:
- Small stones or other broken pieces of material grouped together in
patterns to make a mosaic art piece. Full sized stone pictured.
Gather your Supplies
- Step 1: Is always the same no matter what project you start. You
have to gather your supplies. We suggest the following: polymer clay for
making the base, variety of small glass pieces, beads, tiny sea shells,
rocks, creative elements you possess... Don't forget pencil, tracing paper,
adhesive, etc. Grout if you feel you will need it. After all some supplies
may not be appropriate or necessary since you will be working in miniature.
View suggestions in block of products to right titled
Garden Stone Picks. Use the up and down
arrows provided to access each item.
Creating your Design
- Step 3: Make a copy of your pattern using a scanner to help. Remember to choose a
picture with not too much detail. Mini items will not need extreme details. Unless you
are much more artistic than most other people stick with this scenario. However,
if you happen to love extreme in mini
then go for as much detail as you personally desire.
- Step 5: Now that you have your picture in the right scale the fun
can begin. Start by making a scale base out of polymer clay. Be imaginative
where your stone is concerned. Make it resemble a stone by choosing the
appropriate color for your clay.
- Step 6: Next copy your chosen design onto the polymer base using
craft carbon paper.
- Step 7: Experiment by placing various element on your base until you
can plainly see the features of your design.
- Step 8: Begin gluing these pieces in place after you are totally
satisfied with their placement on your surface. Be sure to stick with your
design as you proceed for best results.
- Step 9: Fill in all outside spaces with theme appropriate items and
continue on until your design measures up to your critical eye.
- Final Tip: Do not stop until your design feels finished. Any other
moment before that and you risk not finishing at all. And we all know how easy
it is to procrastinate.
Sample picture of a Garden Stone

Full sized stone pictured.
View or Buy Mini Bottle Bibs for Barbie.
Summer Selection of Dollshouse Books
Since we started this issue in a summery mood designing our romantic picnic for
two we thought we would continue with
that same state of mind. We have picked out a total of seven selections of
doll's house books.
A few we have seen before and others we are not familiar with. All are ones that
perked our interests greatly. With that said however these also are 4 and 5 star
selections. With enough informative reviews to help with a good decision to
investigate further, purchase or decline.
Our Seven Choices are as follows:
- Making Miniature Gardens by Freida Gray
- The Art of the Miniature: Small Worlds and How to Make Them by Jane
- Miniature Food Masterclass: Materials and Techniques for Model-Makers by
Angie Scarr
- In Miniature Style II: Over 40 How-To Projects by Christine Verstraete
- Miniature Worlds in 1/12 Scale by Susan Penny
- Making Miniature Food and Market Stalls by Angie Scarr - This book in particular may help in making your own romantic picnic display absolutely life-like.
- America's Doll House: The Miniature World of Faith Bradford by William
L. Bird
Some of these book examples may be of use to you in helping to round out your
already exquisite romantic picnic above. The food books in particular may spur
you on to even more imaginative ideas.
So explore and imagine what each book below could hold in store in regards to
your own miniature world. Enjoy.
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