Fine scale miniatures can be found in a wide variety of places.
Plus people online have some fantastic illustrations to share with us.
Even though railroad designs are not entirely what my audience are seeking they do have a similarity. Plus we can use what they or anyone else does to aid in our own creative results.
Here is a site that has an awesome display for us all to see.
I love looking at any craft pattern in front of me and beginning to imagine it in mini. Just about
anything you encounter as far as that is concerned can be miniaturized.
So when you're out and about at craft fairs and the like, let you imagination go to see just where and what you too can miniaturize.
I say where because some places just cry to be in mini. Like for instance some cities. New York is one of my favs. However I haven't as yet miniaturized it. That would be a daunting task to say the least.
Click here for more information to help turn your world into mini models.
Whatever takes your fancy is not unrealistic or stupid or uncreative or not to be pursued. In other words, it's all up to you. Not anyone else.
And I think that's the best news of the day. That you can do what and how you desire. Let your imagination be your guide. You can only win by doing.
Until next time... The sky's the Limit.
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